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The Impact VM


Impact is still under active revision. Expect its attributes, including storage-related costs, to change.

Currently, users cannot write Impact manually; this feature may be added in the future.

On-chain parts of programs are written in Impact, our on-chain VM language. You should not need to worry about the details of impact when writing contracts; however, you may see it appear when inspecting transactions and contract outputs.

Impact is a stack-based, non-Turing-complete state manipulation language. A contract is executed on a stack containing three things:

  • a 'context' object describing context related to the containing transaction
  • an 'effects' object gathering actions performed by the contract during the execution
  • the contract's current state.

Program execution proceeds linearly, with no operations being able to decrease the program counter and every operation being bounded in the time it takes. Program execution has an attached cost, which may be bounded by a 'gas' limit. Programs can either abort, invalidating this (part of) a transaction, or succeed, in which case they must leave a stack in the same shape as they started. The resulting effects must match the transcript's declared effects, and the contract state must be marked as storable, in which case it is adopted as the updated state.


Execution transcripts consist of:

  • a declared gas bound, used to derive the fees for this call
  • a declared effects object, used to bind the contract's semantics to that of other parts
  • the program to execute.


The Impact stack machine operates on the following state values:

  • null
  • <x: y>, a field-aligned binary cell
  • Map { k1: v1, k2: v2, ... }, a map from field-aligned binary values to state values
  • Array(n) [ v0, v1, ... ], an array of 0 < n < 16 state values
  • MerkleTree(d) { k0: v1, k2: v2, ... }, a sparse, fixed-depth 1 <= d <= 32 Merkle tree, with the slots k0, k2, ..., containing the leaf hashes v1, v2, ... (typically represented as hex strings).

Field-aligned binary

The basic data types used in Impact are 'field-aligned binary' (FAB) values. These values can store complex data structures in a binary representation while keeping the information necessary to encode them as field elements in any prime field.

Aligned values consist of a sequence of aligned atoms, each of which consists of a byte string and an alignment atom, where alignment atoms are one of:

  • f, indicating a field alignment: the atom will be interpreted as a little-endian representation of a field element.
  • c, indicating a compression alignment: the atom will be interpreted as a field element derived by hashing its value.
  • bn, indicating an n-byte alignment: the atom will be interpreted as a sequence of field elements depending on the prime field and curve to compactly encode n bytes.


A program is a sequence of operations, consisting of an opcode, potentially followed by a number of arguments depending on the specific opcode. Programs can be run in two modes: evaluating and verifying. In verifying mode, popeq[c] arguments are enforced for equality, while in evaluating mode, the results are gathered instead.

Each Op has a fixed effect on the stack, which will be written as -{a, b} +{c, d}: consuming items a and b being at the top of the stack (with a above b), and replacing them with c and d (with d above c). The number of values here is just an example. State values are immutable from the perspective of programs: a value on the stack cannot be changed, but it can be replaced with a modified version of the same value. We write [a] to refer to the value stored in the cell a. Due to the ubiquity of it, we write 'sets [a] := ...' for 'create a as a new cell containing ...'. We prefix an output value with a ' to indicate this is a weak value, kept solely in-memory, and not written to disk, and an input value with ' to indicate it may be a weak value. We use " and to indicate that an input may be a weak value, and iff it is, the correspondingly marked output will be a weak value.

Where arguments are used, we use State for a state value, u21 for a 21-bit unsigned integer, and path(n) for a sequence of either field-aligned binary values, or the symbol stack, indicating keys to use in indexing, either directly, or to use stack values instead.

NameOpcodeStackArgumentsCost (unscaled)Description
noop00-{} +{}n: u21nnothing
lt01-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets [c] := [a] < [b]
eq02-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets [c] := [a] == [b]
type03-{'a} +{b}-1sets [b] := typeof(a)
size04-{'a} +{b}-1sets [b] := size(a)
new05-{'a} +{b}-1sets [b] := new [a]
and06-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets [c] := [a] & [b]
or07-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets `[c] := [a]
neg08-{'a} +{b}-1sets [b] := ![a]
log09-{'a} +{}-1outputs a as an event
root0a-{'a} +{b}-1sets [b] := root(a)
pop0b-{'a} +{}-1removes a
popeq0c-{'a} +{}a: State only when validating`a
popeqc0d-{'a} +{}a: State only when validating`a
addi0e-{'a} +{b}c: State1sets [b] := [a] + c, where addition is defined below
subi0f-{'a} +{b}c: State1sets [b] := [a] - c, where subtraction is defined below
push10-{} +{'a}a: State`a
pushs11-{} +{a}a: State`a
branch12-{'a} +{}n: u211if a is non-empty, skip n operations.
jmp13-{} +{}n: u211skip n operations.
add14-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets [c] := [a] + [b]
sub15-{'a, 'b} +{c}-1sets [c] := [b] - [a]
concat16-{'a, 'b} +{c}n: u211sets [c] = [b] ++ [a], if `
concatc17-{'a, 'b} +{c}n: u211as concat, but a and b must already be in-memory
member18-{'a, 'b} +{c}-size(b)sets [c] := has_key(b, a)
rem19-{a, "b} +{"c}-size(b)sets c := rem(b, a, false)
remc1a-{a, "b} +{"c}-size(b)sets c := rem(b, a, true)
dup3n-{x*, "a} +{"a, x*, "a}-1duplicates a, where x* are n stack items
swap4n-{"a, x*, †b} +{†b, x*, "a}-1swaps two stack items, with n items x* between them
idx5n-{k*, "a} +{"b}c: path(n)`c
idxc6n-{k*, "a} +{"b}c: path(n)`c
idxp7n-{k*, "a} +{"b, pth*}c: path(n)`c
idxpc8n-{k*, "a} +{"b, pth*}c: path(n)`c
ins9n-{"a, pth*} +{†b}-sum size(x_i)where pth* is {key_{n+1}, x_{n+1}, ..., key_1, x_1} set x'_{n+2} = a, x'_j = ins(x_j, key_j, cached, x'_{j+1}), b = x'_1. is the weakest modifier of a and x_js, and cached set to false
inscan-{"a, pth*} +{†b}-sum size(x_i)as ins, but with cached set to true
ckptff-{} +{}1denotes boundary between internally atomic program segments. Should not be crossed by jumps.

In the description above, the following short-hand notations are used. Where not specified, result values are placed in a Cell and encoded as FAB values.

  • a + b, a - b, or a < b (collectively a op b), for applying op on the contents of cells a and b, interpreted as 64-bit unsigned integers, with alignment b8.
  • a ++ b is the field aligned binary concatenation of a and b.
  • a == b for checking two cells for equality, at least one of which must contain at most 64 bytes of data
  • a & b, a | b, !a are processed as boolean and, or, and not over the contents of cells a and maybe b. These must encode 1 or 0.
  • typeof(a) returns a tag representing the type of a state value:
    • <a: b>: 0
    • null: 1
    • Map { ... }: 2
    • Array(n) { ... }: 3 + n * 32
    • MerkleTree(n) { ... }: 4 + n * 32
  • size(a) returns the number of non-null entries is a Map, n for an Array(n) or MerkleTree(n).
  • has_key(a, b) returns true if b is a key to a non-null value in the Map a.
  • new ty creates a new instance of a state value according to the tag ty (as returned by typeof):
    • cell: Containing the empty value.
    • null for itself
    • Map: The empty map
    • Array(n): An array on n nulls
    • MerkleTree(n): A blank Merkle tree
  • a.get(b, cached) retrieves the sub-item indexed with b. If the sub-item is not loaded in memory, and cached is true, this command fails. For different a:
    • a: Map, the value stored at the key b
    • a: Array(n), the value at the index b < n
  • rem(a, b, cached) removes the sub-item indexed (as in get) with b from a. If the sub-item is not loaded in memory, and cached is true, this command fails.
  • ins(a, b, cached, c) inserts c as a sub-item into a at index c. If the path for this index is not loaded in memory, and cached is true, this command fails.
  • root(a) outputs the Merkle-tree root of the MerkleTree(n) a.

Context and effects

The context is an Array(_), with the following entries, in order:


Currently, only the first two of these are correctly initialized!

  1. A Cell containing the 256-bit aligned current contract's address.
  2. A Map from CoinCommitment keys to 64-bit aligned Merkle tree indicies, for all newly allocated coins.
  3. A Cell containing the block's 64-bit aligned seconds since the UNIX epoch approximation.
  4. A Cell containing the block's 32-bit aligned seconds indicating the maximum amount that the former value may diverge.
  5. A Cell containing the block's 256-bit hash.

This list may be extended in the future in a minor version increment.

The effects is an Array(_), with the following entries, in order:

  1. A Map from Nullifiers to nulls, representing a set of claimed nullifiers.
  2. A Map from CoinCommitments to nulls, representing a set of received coins claimed.
  3. A Map from CoinCommitments to nulls, representing a set of spent coins claimed.
  4. A Map from (Address, Bytes(32), Field) to null, representing the contract calls claimed.
  5. A Map from Bytes(32) to cells of u64, representing coins minted for any specialization hash.

This list may be extended in the future in a minor version increment.

effects is initialized to [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}].

All of context and effects may be considered cached. To prevent cheaply copying data into the contract state with as little as two opcodes, both are flagged as weak, and any operations performed with them. If the final state' is tainted, the transaction fails, preventing this from being directly copied into the contract's state.