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Compact reference

Compact is a strongly statically typed, bounded smart contract language, designed to be used in combination with TypeScript for writing smart contracts for the three-part structure of Midnight, where contracts have the following components:

  • a replicated component on a public ledger
  • a zero-knowledge circuit component, confidentially proving the correctness of the former
  • a local, off-chain component that can perform arbitrary code

Each contract in Compact can have four kinds of code:

  • type declarations, to support all of the following
  • declarations of the data that the contract stores in the public ledger
  • declarations of witness functions, to be supplied in TypeScript
  • circuit definitions, that serve as the operational core of a smart contract

A contract can also include code from external files, and it can declare and import modules.

Like TypeScript, Compact is an eager call-by-value language.


Compact is statically typed: every expression in a Compact program has a static type. Circuits and witnesses require a type annotation on each of their parameters, and they require a return type annotation. Constant binding statements can have an optional type annotation.

The language is strongly typed: the compiler will reject programs that do not type check. It will reject programs where a circuit or witness is called with incorrectly typed arguments. If a constant binding statement has a type annotation, the program will be rejected if the type of the constant initializer expression does not match the type annotation.

Types consist of built-in primitive types, user-defined types defined in the program, and generic parameters of generic modules, structures, and circuits.

Primitive types

The following are the primitive types of Compact:

  • Boolean is the type of boolean values. There are only two values of Boolean type. They are the values of the expressions true and false.

  • Uint<m..n>, where m is the literal 0 or a generic parameter in scope and bound to 0, and where n is a natural number literal or a generic parameter in scope, is the type of bounded unsigned integer values between 0 and n, both inclusive. (The lower bound is currently required to be 0.) Uint types with different bounds 0..n are different types, although one may be a subtype of the other. In practice, there is a (large) maximum unsigned integer value determined by the zero-knowledge proving system. The Compact implementation will signal an error if a Uint type exceeds this maximum value.

  • Uint<n>, where n is a non-zero natural number literal or a generic parameter in scope and bound to a non-zero natural number, is the type of sized unsigned integer values with binary representations using up to n bits. This is the same type as Uint<0..m> where m is equal to (2^n)-1. Sized integer types can be seen as a convenience for programmers. Uint<32>, for example, can be more obvious and less error-prone than the equivalent Uint<0..4294967295>. Any Compact program that uses sized integer types can be rewritten to one that uses only bounded integer types.

  • Field is the type of elements in the scalar prime field of the zero-knowledge proving system.

  • Void is the return type of circuits and witnesses that do not return a useful value. It can be used as a return type annotation. It cannot be used as a parameter type annotation, as a constant binding statement type annotation, or as a generic argument for specializing a generic type.

  • Bytes<n>, where n is a natural number literal or else a generic parameter in scope, is the type of byte array values of length n. Bytes types with different lengths are different types. Bytes types are used in the Compact standard library for hashing. String literals in Compact also have a Bytes type, where n is the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding of the string.

  • Vector<n, T>, where n is a natural number literal or else a generic parameter in scope and T is a non-void type or else a generic parameter in scope, is the type of vector values of length n with elements of type T. Vector types with different lengths or different element types are different types, although one may be a subtype of the other.

  • Opaque<s>, where s is a string literal, is the type of opaque values with tag s. The syntax of string literals in Compact is the same as in TypeScript. Opaque types with different tags are different types. Opaque values can be manipulated in witnesses but they are opaque to circuits. They are represented in circuits as their hash. The allowed tags are currently only "string" and "Uint8Array".

User-defined types

Users can define three kinds of types themselves: structures, enumerations, and contracts.

Structure types

Structure types are defined by a declaration beginning with the keyword struct. Here are some examples:

struct Thing {
triple: Vector<3, Field>,
flag: Boolean,

struct NumberAnd<T> {
num: Uint<32>;
item: T

A non-generic structure declaration introduces a named structure type, such as Thing in the first example above. Each non-generic structure declaration introduces a distinct type, even when the content of the structure is identical to another.

Structure declarations can also be generic structure declarations, such as NumberAnd in the second example above. They have a non-empty list of comma-separated generic parameter names enclosed in square brackets. The generic parameters of a generic structure declaration are in scope in its body.

Generic structure declarations do not introduce a type. To be used as a type, they must be specialized by providing a comma-separated list of generic arguments, e.g., NumberAnd<Uint<8>>. Generic arguments must be non-void types, natural number literals, or a generic parameter in scope. Generic structures must be fully specialized: the number of generic arguments must match the number of generic parameters.

  • Specializations of the same generic structure to the same types are the same type.
  • Specializations of the same generic structure to different types are different types.
  • Specializations of different generic structures are always different types, even if the specializations are structurally equivalent.
  • Specializations of generic structures are always different from non-generic structure types, even if the specialization is structurally equivalent to the non-generic type.

A structure declaration has a sequence of named fields which can be separated either by commas or by semicolons. Comma and semicolon separators cannot be mixed within a single structure declaration. A trailing separator is allowed, but not required.

Each structure field must have a type annotation.

A structure declaration implicitly introduces a constructor with the same name. The arguments to the constructor are required to be in the same order and have the same types as the corresponding field type annotations. Generic structure declarations introduce generic constructors, which must be fully specialized to non-void types to be invoked. Constructors are invoked with either spread syntax or positional assignment, so the constructors for the examples above could be invoked as Thing {[0, 1, 2], true} and NumberAnd<Uint<8>> {0, 255}.

Structures may not contain fields of the same type as the structure, either directly or indirectly. For example, the Compact compiler rejects the following pair of declarations:

struct Even {
predecessor: Odd

struct Odd {
predecessor: Even

Enumeration types

Enumeration types are defined by a declaration beginning with the keyword enum. Here is an example:

enum Fruit { apple, pear, plum }

An enumeration declaration introduces a named enumeration type, such as Fruit in the example above. Each enumeration declaration introduces a distinct type.

An enumeration declaration has a sequence of named values separated by commas. A trailing separator is allowed but not required.

In the example above, the type Fruit has three values:, Fruit.pear, and Fruit.plum.

Contract types

As of this writing, declarations of contracts and the cross-contract calls they support are not yet fully implemented, but the keyword contract used to declare contracts is reserved for this use.

Generic parameter references

Generic parameters are declared in generic module declarations, generic structure type declarations, generic circuit definitions, and generic witness declarations.
For generic modules, they are in scope within the module. For generic structures, they are in scope for the structure's fields. For generic circuits, they are in scope in the circuit's parameters, its return type annotation, and its body. In these scopes, a reference to a generic parameter (that is not otherwise shadowed by some other identifier binding) is either a type or a natural-number size.


There is a subtyping relation on Compact types. Informally, if a type T is a subtype of a type S then every value of type T is also a value of type S (equivalently, S is a supertype of T). In that case, Compact allows implicitly using a value of type T where a value of type S is expected, without any programmer-supplied conversion.

Subtyping is defined by the following rules:

  • Any type T is a subtype of itself (subtyping is reflexive)

  • Uint<0..n> is a subtype of Uint<0..m> if n is less than m

  • Uint<0..n> is a subtype of Field for all n

  • Vector<n, T> is a subtype of Vector<m, S> if n equals m and T is a subtype of S

A circuit or witness can be called with argument expressions whose types are subtypes of the corresponding parameter type annotations. A constant binding statement with a type annotation can be initialized with an expression whose type is a subtype of the type annotation.

Default values

Every non-void type in Compact has a default value of that type. The default values are as follows:

  • Boolean: the value of the literal false
  • Uint<0..n> and Uint<n>: 0
  • Field: 0
  • Bytes<n>: the byte array of length n with all zero bytes
  • Vector<n, T>: the vector of length n with all default values of type T
  • Opaque<"string">: an empty string, i.e., ""
  • Opaque<"Uint8Array">: a zero-length Uint8Array, i.e., new Uint8Array(0)
  • structure types: the struct with all fields set to the default value of their type
  • enumeration types: the first value listed in the declaration

Representations in TypeScript

Compact's primitive types are represented in TypeScript as follows:

  • Boolean - boolean
  • Void - void
  • Field - bigint with runtime bounds checks
  • Uint<n> / Uint<0..n> - bigint with runtime bounds checks
  • Bytes<n> - Uint8Array with runtime length checks
  • Vector<n, T> - T[] (with the TypeScript representation of T), with runtime length checks
  • Opaque<"string"> - string
  • Opaque<"Uint8Array"> - Uint8Array

User-defined types are represented in TypeScript as follows:

  • enum instances - a number with runtime membership checks
  • struct instances with fields a: A, b: B, ... - an object { a: A, b: B, ... } where A, B, ... are the TypeScript representations of the Compact types.

Note that other Opaque types are currently not supported.

Include files

Compact supports code separation and namespaces through separate files and modules. The most basic of these is the statement

include "path/to/file";

which may appear at the top level of a source file or module. When encountered, the Compact compiler will search for a Compact source file at path/to/file.compact in the current directory and then relative to any of the directories in the :-separated environment variable COMPACT_PATH. This file must be found and will be included verbatim in place of the include statement.

Modules, exports, and imports

A module is a collection of definitions whose namespace is hidden from surrounding code. A module is defined with

module Mod1 {

module Mod2<T> {

By default, identifiers defined within the body of a module are visible only within the module, i.e., they are not exported from the module. Any identifier defined at or imported into the top level of a module can be exported from the module in one of two ways: (1) by prefixing the definition with the export keyword, or by listing the identifier in a separate export declaration. For example, the following module exports G and S but not F.

module M {
export { G };
export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
circuit F(x: S): Boolean {
return S.y;
circuit G(x: S): Uint<16> {
return F(x) ? S.x : 0;

A module can be imported into another definition scope, bringing all its exported entries into that scope, potentially with a prefix. For instance:

module Runner {
export circuit run(): Void {}
import Runner;
// run is now in scope
import Runner prefix SomePrefix_;
// SomePrefix_run is now in scope

module Identity<T> {
export { id }
circuit id(x: T): T {
return x;
import Identity<Field>;
// id is now in scope, with Field as type T

Compact's standard library can be imported by import CompactStandardLibrary. The standard library defines a number of useful types and circuits along with ledger ADTs such as Counter, Map, and MerkleTree.

When importing module M, if the program does not contain a visible module definition the compiler looks in the file system in the relative path of the current directory for M.compact. In the case where a module is defined in a different program (file), the program must only contain a top-level module definition. Otherwise, the compiler throws a static error stating that the program does not contain a single module definition. For example, the program M.compact below defines a module:

module M {
export { F };
export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
circuit F(x: S): Boolean {
return S.y;
// circuit cant_exists() : Void {}
// If cant_exists is uncommented, the compiler will throw an error when compiling
// test.compact

Then, test.compact imports M:

//module M {
// export { G };
// export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
// circuit G(x: S): Boolean {
// return S.y;
// }
// If M is uncommented, the compiler will import this module and not the one
// defined in M.compact. In this case, the compiler will throw an error for
// exporting F.

import M;
export { F };

The import syntax allows the module to be identified by a string pathname. In this case, the compiler first looks for the imported module relative to the current directory (the path of the importing program) and then in the directories identified by COMPACT_PATH. Importing by a pathname allows importing multiple modules with the same name. For example, consider the program M.compact:

module M {
export { F };
export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
circuit F(x: S): Boolean {
return S.y;

And the program A/M.compact:

module M {
export { F };
export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
circuit F(x: S): Boolean {
return S.y;

And finally the program test.compact can export both $F and A_F but not $G:

module M {
export { G };
export struct S { x: Uint<16>, y: Boolean }
circuit G(x: S): Boolean {
return S.y;

import "M" prefix $;
// this imports M.compact and not the module M defined above

import "A/M" prefix A_;

export { $F
// ,$G
// uncommenting this will result in an error

Top-level exports

The circuits exported at the top level of a contract (i.e., not merely exported from a module) are the entry points of the contract and may not take generic arguments. Although multiple circuits with the same name are allowed generally to support function overloading, it is a static error if more than one circuit with the same name is exported from the top level.

User-defined types exported from the top level of the main file can be used to describe the argument and return types of witnesses and exported circuits; these may accept generic arguments, but generic arguments not actually used as types are dropped in the exported type. For example:

export struct S<#n, T> { v: Vector<n, T>; curidx: Uint<0..n> }

is exported for use as a TypeScript type with the T parameter but not the n parameter, i.e.,:

export type S<T> = { v: T[]; curidx: bigint }

Ledger field names exported from the top level are visible for direct inspection by code outside of the contract via the generated TypeScript ledger() function.


The basic operational element in Compact is the circuit. This corresponds closely to a function in most languages but is compiled directly into a zero-knowledge circuit. Circuits are declared as:

circuit c(a: A, b: B, ...): R {

circuit id<T>(value: T): T {
return value;

where A, B, ..., and R are types (where R may be Void), and a, b are parameters. The circuit body itself is a sequence of statements, and each path through the body must end with a return statement, unless the return type is Void.

Pure and impure circuits

A Compact circuit is considered pure if it computes its outputs from its inputs without reference to or modification of public state (via the ledger) or private state (via witnesses). In practice, the compiler considers a circuit to be impure if the body of the circuit contains a ledger operation, a call to any impure circuit, or a call to a witness.

Some external circuits defined in CompactStandardLibrary are witnesses; calls to these make the caller impure. The remainder are considered pure, so calls to those do not make the caller impure.

A Compact program can declare a circuit to be pure by prefixing the circuit definition with the pure modifier, which must follow the export modifier, if present, e.g.:

pure circuit c(a: Field): Field {

export pure circuit c(a: Field): Field {

The only effect of the pure modifier is that the compiler will flag the declaration as an error if its own analysis determines that the circuit is actually impure. The pure modifier allows an application to ensure that the circuit will be present in the PureCircuits type declaration and via the pureCircuits constant in the TypeScript module produced for a (correct) Compact program by the Compact compiler.


A statement may be

  • a for loop
  • an if statement
  • a return statement
  • an assert
  • a block - a sequence of statements in a nested scope, enclosed by curly braces
  • a const binding statement
  • an expression

for loop

A for loop repeats for a fixed number of iterations, using one of the two syntaxes below:

for i in <vector> do <statement>

for i = 0 to 5 do <statement>

if statement

An if statement is of one of the following forms:

if (testexpr)

if (testexpr)

return statement

If a circuit's return type is Void,


is a valid statment. Otherwise,

return <expr>;

for an expression <expr> of the declared return type is a valid return statement.

assert statement

An assertion can be made with

assert <expr> "what constraint was violated";

where <expr> should evaluate to a Boolean. If <expr> evaluates to true, the assertion succeeds; if <expr> evaluates to false, it fails with the given message. Each assertion is checked at runtime and constrained in-circuit.

const binding statement

A new constant can be brought into scope with

const x = <expr>;

It may optionally be annotated with a type, in which case the type is checked with the expression.

const x: T = <expr>;

The name of a constant may not be reused within a block, and constants cannot be reassigned, although they can be shadowed in a nested block:

circuit c(): Field {
const answer = 42;
const answer = 12;
assert answer != 42 "shadowing didn't work!";
return answer; // returns 42

Constant initializer expressions are evaluated when the binding statement is executed.


This section describes the syntax of Compact expressions and provides their static typing rules and their evaluation rules.

The syntax of expressions is given by an EBNF grammar. We use the following notational conventions in the grammar:

  • Terminals are in bold monospaced font
  • Non-terminals are in emphasized font
  • Alternation is indicated by a vertical bar (|)
  • Repetition of zero or more items is indicated by enclosing them in curly braces ({ and })
  • Optional items are indicated by enclosing them in square brackets ([ and ])

A Compact expression either has a static type, or else it contains a type error. The static type of an expression, if it has one, is either a Compact type or else a ledger state type. If an expression in a program contains a type error, it means that the Compact compiler will not compile that program. Subexpressions of Compact expressions are always required to be well-typed (free from type errors).

Every Compact expression either evaluates to a value, or else it raises an exception. The evaluation of an expression is defined in terms of the evaluation of its subexpressions. If the evaluation of a subexpression raises an exception, then the evaluation of the containing expression will stop and raise the same exception.


Compact has syntax for boolean, numeric, and string literal expressions.

expr    true
 |  false
 |  nat
 |  str
 |  pad  (  nat  ,  str  )

Boolean literals are the reserved words true and false. The static type of a boolean literal is Boolean. It evaluates to one of the two boolean values.

Numeric literals are non-negative decimal integers. They are either the number 0 or a sequence of digits starting with a non-zero digit. The static type of a natural number literal n is Uint<0..n>.

There is an implementation-defined maximum unsigned integer value. A numeric literal larger than this value will have an invalid static type Uint<0..n> for some n larger than the maximum unsigned integer. This expression will be a static type error unless the literal is smaller than the maximum Field value and is used in a type cast expression of the form e as Field.

A natural number literal evaluates to the unsigned integer value that it denotes.

String literals use TypeScript string literal syntax. Note that they can therefore be enclosed in either single (') or double (") quotes, and they can contain escaped characters. Strings are represented by their UTF-8 encoding. The length of a string is the length of its UTF-8 encoding. The static type of a string literal is Bytes<n> where n is the length of the string. It evaluates to a byte array containing its UTF-8 encoding.

In addition, the expression pad(n, s) is a string literal, where pad is a reserved word, n is a natural number literal and s is a string literal whose length must be less than or equal to n. The static type of a padded string literal pad(n, s) is Bytes<n>. It evaluates to a byte array containing the UTF-8 encoding of s, followed by 0 bytes up to the padded length n.

Variable references

The syntax of Compact identifiers is the same as the syntax of TypeScript identifiers. A variable is an identifier that is bound as a parameter in a circuit declaration or else as a constant in a const binding statement.

expr    id

Circuit parameters are bound by circuit declarations. The static type of a circuit parameter reference is the declared static type given by the parameter declaration's type annotation. It evaluates to the value of the corresponding argument expression that was passed to the circuit call.

Constants are bound by const binding statements. If the binding statement has a type annotation, then the constant reference's static type is the declared static type given by the type annotation, and the type of the RHS initializer expression must be a subtype of the declared type. If the binding statement does not have a type annotation, then the constant reference's static type is the inferred static type (that is, the type of the binding statement's initializer expression). A constant reference evaluates to the value of the binding statement's initializer expression.

Note that constant references can have ledger state types because they can be initialized with a ledger state type's default value.

Default values of a type

Every Compact type and ledger state type has a default value.

expr    default  <  type  >
 |  default  <  ledger-adt  >

The expression default<T>, where T is a Compact type or a ledger state type, has static type T. It evaluates to the default value of that type.

Note that default value expressions can have ledger state types.

Circuit and witness calls

Circuits and witnesses, collectively refered to as functions, are called via an expression of the form f(e, ...), where f is a function expression and e, ... is a sequence of zero or more comma-separated argument expressions.

expr    fun  (  [expr  {,  expr}]  )
fun    id  [targs]
 |  (  [arg  {,  arg}]  )  :  [return-type]  =>  block
 |  (  fun  )
targs    <  [targ  {,  targ}]  >
targ    nat
 |  type
arg    id  [:  type]

The function expression can take several different forms:

A circuit name is the name of a circuit from a circuit declaration in scope.

An anonymous circuit is an inline circuit literal having the form (id: T, ...): R => { s; ... } with zero or more comma-separated parameters x: T, return type R, and body { s; ... }. Each parameter consists of an identifier id (the parameter's name) and an optional type annotation : T where T is a non-void Compact type. The return type R is a (possibly Void) Compact type and it is also optional. The body is a sequence of zero or more semicolon-delimited statements enclosed in curly braces, however, if the body has the form return expr for some expression expr then the curly braces can be omitted.

There is no syntax for generic anonymous circuits. This is because circuits are not first-class values: they cannot be passed around or stored in data structures, they must be called. And generic circuits must be specialized to call them, so anonymous generic circuits would have to be immediately specialized. In that case, the programmer can just write the non-generic version themselves.

A witness name is the name of a witness from a witness declaration in scope.

A parenthesized circuit or witness has the form (f) where f is a circuit or witness as defined here, that is either a circuit name, an anonymous circuit, a witness name, or a parenthesized circuit or witness.

Because circuits and witnesses are not first class, parameter names and constant names are not allowed as the circuit or witness part of a call. Nor are arbitrary expressions allowed, for the same reason.

Generic functions cannot be called without explicitly specializing them with generic arguments enclosed in square brackets. Calls to generic functions must be fully specialized: the number of generic arguments must match the number of generic parameters.

Function names may be overloaded: more than one function of the same name may be present in the scope of a call to that function. A call whose function expression is a name (or parenthesized name) can thus have zero or more candidate functions, i.e., all of those that have the given name and are present in the scope of the call. A call whose function expression is an anonymous circuit (or parenthesized anonymous circuit) has only one candidate, i.e., the anonymous circuit.

A candidate function is not necessarily compatible with the number and types of the argument expressions provided at the call site. It is compatible if and only if the number of declared parameters is the same as the number of argument expressions and if the declared type of each parameter is a supertype of the corresponding argument expression. If exactly one candidate is compatible, the call is made to that candidate. It is a static type error otherwise.

The static type of a call expression is the return type of the called function.

Calls are evaluated by evaluating the argument expressions in order from left to right. Then, if a circuit is being called, the statements in the body of the circuit are executed with the parameter names bound to the corresponding argument values. The value of a circuit call is the value returned from the execution of the body. If a witness is being called, the contract will invoke the TypeScript or JavaScript witness function with the argument values. The value of a witness call is the value returned by the witness function.

Structure construction

Structure values can be constructed using the spread syntax. The expression S {...s, id: e, ...} is a structure construction, where S is a structure type and the spread subexpression ...s is a structure value and id: e, ... is a sequence of zero or more comma-separated assignment of argument expressions to a field. If no spread subexpression exists structure values can also be constructed by assigning argument expressions to fields by position and/or name using S {id: e, ..., e, ...}. Positional field are given in order as declared in the structure type declaration but named field value can be given in any order. All positional field values must occur first if a structure is constructed by mixing positional and named values.

expr    tref  {  []  [,farg  {,  farg}]  }
 |  tref  {  [farg  {,  farg}]  [,expr  {,  expr}]  }
farg    id  :  expr
tref    id  [targs]

The examples below demonstrate the use of spread and positional syntax:

struct S { a: Uint<32>, b: Boolean, c: Bytes<8> }
export circuit F(a: Uint<32>, b: Boolean, c: Bytes<8>): S {
const s1 = S { c: c, a: a, b: b };
// alternatively, s1 can be constructed with the positional syntax:
// const s1 = S { a, b, c };

const s2 = S { ...s1, b: true };
// constructing s2 uses the spread syntax. So, s2 has the same values
// assigned to fields of S except that b is set to true

const s3 = S { ...s2, c: 'abcdefgh' };
// constructing s3 also uses the spread syntax. s3 has the same
// values as s2 except that c is set to 'abcdefgh'

return s3;"

The structure must be the name from a structure declaration in scope. If the structure is generic, then it must be explicitly specialized with generic arguments enclosed in square brackets. Generic structure constructions must be fully specialized: the number of generic arguments must match the number of generic parameters.

The static type of a non-generic structure construction is the named structure type.

The generic arguments to a generic structure can be types, natural number literals, or the names of generic parameters in scope. A generic structure construction is type checked by substituting the generic arguments for the generic parameters in the structure's definition. The static type of a generic structure construction is a structure with the same name as the generic type, and field types gotten from substituting the generic arguments for the generic parameters in the structure's declaration.

It is a static type error if the spread subexpression does not have the same type as the structure. It is a static type error if a field name of the sturcutre appears more than at most once in the structure. It is a static type error if a field name that does not belong to the structure type appears in the structure. It is a static type error if the number of members in the structure does not match the number of fields in the structure type when a spread subexpression does not exist. It is a static type error if the static type of an argument expression is not a subtype of the corresponding field type from the specialized structure type.

A structure constructor expression is evaluated by evaluating the member expressions in order from left to right. The value is a structure value where for each field in the structure, its value is initialized to be the value of the corresponding named expression (if it exists) or else the value of the corresponding field in the spread structure value.

Vector construction

Vector values are constructed with expressions of the form [e, ...] where e, ... is a sequence of zero or more comma-separated argument expressions. A non-empty sequence can have an optional trailing comma.

expr    [  [expr  {,  expr}]  [,]  ]

The static type of a vector construction exprssion is Vector<n, T> where n is the number of subexpressions and T is the least upper bound of the static types of the subexpressions.

It is evaluated by evaluating the subexpressions from left to right. Its value is a vector whose length is the number of subexpressions and whose elements are the subexpression values.

Parenthesized expressions

Compact allows parenthesized expressions of the form (e), where e is an expression. They can be used to control the order of evaluation.

expr    (  expr  )

The type of the parenthesized expression is the type of the subexpression.

Its value is the value of the subexpression.

Sequence expressions

Expressions can be sequenced for their side effects. An expression of the form (e0, e1, e2, ...) or e0, e1, e2, ... where e0, e1, e2, ... is a sequence of two or more comma-separated expressions is a sequence expression. The latter form where parentheses can be omitted is only allowed in some context which can be viewed in the formal grammar of Compact.

expr    (  expr  {,  expr}  ,  expr  )
 |  expr  {,  expr}  ,  expr  

The static type of a sequence expression is the static type of the last subexpression.

It is evaluated by evaluating the subexpressions from left to right. Its value is the value of the last subexpression.

Ledger expressions

A Compact program interacts with its public state by invoking operations upon the ledger or ledger state types. There are two different forms of ledger calls.

Kernel operations are operations that do not depend on specific ledger state. They can be invoked by expressions of the form k.op(e, ...), where k is the name of a ledger field declared to have the special ADT type Kernel, op is the name of a builtin kernel operation and e, ... is a comma separated sequence of zero or more argument expressions. The CompactStandardLibrary predefines the ledger field name kernel to have ledger type Kernel, so for example, the built-in self operation can be called from a circuit as follows:

import CompactStandardLibrary;
circuit f(): ContractAddress {
return kernel.self();

Ledger ADT operations are operations on the program's public ledger state. They are invoked by expressions of the form member.op(e, ...)...., where member is a ledger field name (declared via a ledger field declaration) and .op(e, ...).... are a sequence of zero or more ledger ADT operation invocations, where each op is the name of a ledger ADT operation and each e, ... is a sequence of zero or more comma-separated argument expressions.

expr    ledger  ledger-accessor
 |  ledger  .  id  {ledger-accessor}
ledger-accessor    .  id  (  [expr  {,  expr}]  )

Note that ledger ADT operations can be chained, because the result of a ledger ADT operation might itself have a ledger state type. Kernel operations cannot be chained, because the kernel is not a ledger state type and is not returned by any operation.

The static type of a kernel operation expression is the return type of the corresponding kernel operation according to the ledger data types reference.

The static type of a ledger ADT operation expression is the return type of the corresponding ADT operation according to the ledger data types reference. Note that this might be a Compact type or it might be a ledger ADT type. Values of ledger ADT types can have ADT operations invoked (immediately) on them, but any other use would be a static type error.

Kernel operations are evaluated by evaluating the argument subexpressions in order from left to right and then invoking the corresponding kernel operation with the argument values.

A ledger ADT operation member (that is not followed by a ledger accessor) is implicitly an invocation of the read operation. It is evaluated as if it were

A ledger ADT operation member.op(e, ...) is evaluated by evaluating the argument subexpressions from left to right, and then invoking the operation op on the public ledger member member with the argument values.

A ledger ADT operation adt.op(e, ...) where adt is itself a ledger ADT operation is evaluated by first evaluating adt, then evaluating the argument subexpressions from left to right, and then invoking the operation op on the ledger ADT value of adt with the argument values.

Element and member access expressions

Compact has expressions for accessing the elements of vector values and the members of structure values. An expression of the form e[n] where e is an expression and n is a numeric literal is a vector element access. An expression of the form where e is an expression and id is the name of a structure member is a structure member access.

expr    expr  [  nat  ]
 |  expr  .  id

Vector element accesses are type checked by checking the type of the subexpression. It is a type error if this type is not a vector type Vector<n, T>. It is a type error if the size of the vector n is less than or equal to the numeric literal in the expression. The type of the expression is the element type T from the subexpression's vector type.

Vector element accesses are evaluated by evaluating the subexpression. The value of the expression will be the element value at the given zero-based index. The subexpression will have a vector value and the element access will not be out of bounds, because the expression is well-typed.

Member access expressions are type checked by checking the type of the subexpression. It is a type error if this type is not a structure type. It is a type error if the structure type does not contain a member with the same name as the name in the expression. The type of the expression is the type of the corresponding named member of the subexpression's structure type.

Member access expressions are evaluated by evaluating the subexpression. The value of the expression will be the member value with the given name. The subexpression will have a structure value and the name will exist, because the expression is well-typed.

Boolean negation expressions

Compact has unary boolean negation expressions of the form !e where e is an expression.

expr    !  expr

A boolean negation expression is type checked by checking the type of the subexpression. It is a type error if this type is not Boolean. The type of the expression will be Boolean.

Negation expressions are evaluated by evaluating the subexpression. The value of the expression will be true if the value of the subexpression is false and vice versa. The subexpression will have a boolean value because the expression is well-typed.

Binary arithmetic expressions

Binary arithmetic expressions are of the form e0 op e1 where e0 and e1 are expressions and op is one of Compact's binary arithmetic operators. The binary arithmetic operators are add (+), subtract (-) and multiply (*).

expr    expr  +  expr
|  expr  -  expr
|  expr  *  expr

Arithmetic expressions require the type of both subexpressions to be numeric types, that is, either a Field or a Uint. The type of the result will depend on the types of the subexpressions as follows:

  • If either subexpression has type Field, the result will have type Field
  • Otherwise the left subexpression will have type Uint<0..m> and the right subexpression will have type Uint<0..n> for some bounds m and n. The type of the result depends on the operation as follows:
    • For add, the result will have type Uint<0..m+n>
    • For subtract, the result will have type Uint<0..m>
    • For multiply, the result will have type Uint<0..m*n>

For arithmetic operations with Uint result types, it is a static type error if the result's bound would be greater than the maximum unsigned integer.

Arithmetic expressions are evaluated by first evaluating the subexpressions in order from left to right. Integer addition, subtraction, or multiplication is then used on the subexpression values. The overflow and underflow behavior differs for Field and Uint operations:

  • Field arithmetic overflow and underflow wraps around 0; that is, the result of an arithmetic operation whose result is a Field is the actual arithmetic value modulo k, where k is one more than the maximum field value.
  • Uint addition and multiplication cannot overflow: the static type of the result will always be large enough to hold the result value
  • Uint subtraction checks if the value of the right subexpression is greater than the value of the left subexpression. If so, it is a runtime error (the result would be negative). Otherwise the unsigned subtraction is performed.

The static typing rules imply that if Field arithmetic semantics is desired, then at least one of the operands must have static type Field.

Type cast expressions

Type cast expressions in Compact are of the form e as T where e is an expression, as is a reserved words, and T is a Compact type.

TypeScript-style casts of the form <T>e are not supported in Compact.

expr    expr  as  type

Type cast expressions are type checked by checking the type of the subexpression. If the cast from the subexpression's type to the type T named in the type cast is allowed, then the static type of the expression will be T. Otherwise, it is a static type error.

Upcasts, i.e., casts from a type to a supertype, are allowed but never required and never result in a static or run-time error.

The table below describes the allowed type casts. Casting between types not shown in the table is not allowed. The entries in the table can be one of:

  • static: the type cast only changes the static type and does not have any effect at runtime
  • conversion: the type cast always succeeds but has the runtime effect of converting between different source and target representations, which normally has a low cost
  • checked: the type cast is checked at runtime and can fail
  • no: the type cast is not allowed
  • a number: see the corresponding note below the table
enum typeconversionnonono
  1. Field to Boolean: the value 0 is converted to false and all other values are converted to true.
  2. Field to Bytes<n>: the value of the field is converted into Bytes of the given length, with the least-significant byte of the field occurring first in the Bytes. The Bytes will be padded to the length with trailing zeros. It is a runtime error if the field value does not fit in the length.
  3. Uint<0..m> to Uint<0..n>: if m is less than or equal to n this is a static cast. Otherwise it is checked and will fail at runtime if the value is greater than n.
  4. Boolean to Uint<0..n>: If n is not 0 then this is a conversion of false to 0 and true to 1. Otherwise, it is checked and will fail at runtime if the value is true (and convert false to 0).
  5. Bytes<m> to Field: the bytes are converted into a field with the least-significant byte of the field occurring first in the Bytes. It is a runtime error if the result would exceed the maximum Field value.
  6. Bytes<m> to Bytes<n>: the cast is a static cast if m equals n, and is not allowed otherwise.

Allowed type casts are evaluated by first evaluating the subexpression. Then, if the cast is static, the result is the subexpression's value interpreted as the type T mentioned in the cast expression. If the cast is a conversion, the JavaScript representation of the subexpression's value is converted into the representation of a value of type T. If the cast is checked, the check is performed before conversion and the cast fails (at runtime) if the check fails. The exceptions noted in the table are evaluated as described above after evaluating the subexpression.

Relational comparison expressions

Relational comparison expressions are of the form e0 op e1 where e0 and e1 are expressions and op is one of Compact's relational operators. The relational operators are equals (==), not equals (!=), less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equals (<=), and greater than or equals (>=).

expr    expr  ==  expr
|  expr  !=  expr
|  expr  <  expr
|  expr  >  expr
|  expr  <=  expr
|  expr  >=  expr

Equals and not equals require the types of the subexpressions to be in the subtype realation. That is, the type of the first subexpression must be a subtype of the type of the second subexpression, or else the type of the second subexpression must be a subtype of the type of the first subexpression. Additionally, equals and not equals require the type of both subexpressions to be non-Void. If the subexpressions have Vector types then the element types must both be non-Void.

Less than, greater than, less than or equals, and greater than or equals require the type of both subexpressions to be unsigned integer types (note that Field cannot be compared with these operators).

The type of the result is Boolean.

Relational comparison expressions are evaluated by evaluating the subexpressions in order from left to right. Then the comparison is performed as described below.


The comparison that is performed depends on the type of the operands:

  • Boolean: if the operands have type Boolean, then the values must be the same boolean value. Both operands will have type Boolean due to the static typing rules.
  • Uint: if the operands have unsigned integer types, then the integer values must be equal. Both operands will have unsigned integer types due to the static typing rules.
  • Field: if either operand has type Field, then the integer values of the operands must be equal. Both operands will have numeric (Field or unsigned integer) types due to the static typing rules.
  • Bytes: if the operands have bytes types, then the corresponding bytes at each index must be equal. Both operands will have bytes types and their lengths will be equal due to the static typing rules.
  • Vector: if the operands have vector types, then the corresponding element values at each index must be equal according to these rules, based on the static element types. Both operands will have vector types, they will have the the same length, and their element types will be in the subtype relation and non-Void due to the static typing rules.
  • Opaque: if the operands have opaque types, then the runtime values must be equal according to JavaScript's strict equality (===) operator. Both operands will have the same opaque type due to the static typing rules.
  • structure type: if the operands have structure types, then the corresponding values of each field must be equal according to these rules, based on the field types. Both operands will have the same struture type due to the static typing rules.
  • enum type: if the operands have enum types, then they must be the same enum value. Both operands will have the same enum type due to the static typing rules.

Not equals

The operands are compared according to the rules for equals above, and then the boolean result is negated.

Less than, greater than, less than or equals, and greater than or equals

The integer values of the operands are compared according to the relational operation. Both operands will have unsigned integer types due to the static typing rules.

Short-circuit logical expressions

Compact supports short-circuit logical expressions of the form e0 op e1 where e0 and e1 are expressions and op is one of the logical operators or (||) or and (&&).

expr    expr  ||  expr
|  expr  &&  expr

Logical expressions require the type of the left subexpression to be Boolean. The type of the right subexpression must be a supertype of Boolean. The only supertypes of Boolean are Void and Boolean itself. The entire expression will have the same type as the type of the right subexpression.

Logical expressions are evaluated by first evaluating the left subexpression. Then, the value of that expression determines the value of the entire expression as follows:

  • For or, if the value of the left subexpression is false then the right subexpression is evaluated and its value is the value of the entire expression. Otherwise, the right subexpression is not evaluated and the value of the left subexpression, implicitly cast to the type of the entire expression, is the value of the entire expression.
  • For and, if the left subexpression is true then the right subexpression is evaluated and its value is the value of the entire expression. Otherwise, the right subexpression is not evaluated and the value of the left subexpression, implicitly cast to the type of the entire expression, is the value of the entire expression.

Conditional expressions

Compact supports conditional expressions of the form e0 ? e1 : e2 where e0, e1, and e2 are expressions.

expr    expr  ?  expr  :  expr

Conditional expressions require the type of e0 to be Boolean. The types of e1 and e2 must be in the subtype relation. That is, either the type of e1 is a subtype of the type of e2 or else the type of e2 is a subtype of the type of e1.

The type of the entire expression is the type of e2 if e1 is a subtype of e2 and the type of e1 if e2 is a subtype of e1.

Conditional expressions are evaluated by first evaluating e0. Then, the value of that expression determines which of the other subexpressions is evaluated:

  • if the value of e0 is true, then e1 is evaluated and its value is the value of the entire expression
  • if the value of e0 is false, then e2 is evaluated and its value is the value of the entire expression

The evaluation rules ensure that only one of e1 and e2 is evaluated.

Map and fold expressions

Compact supports expressions that perform the higher-order operations map and (left) fold over vectors.

Map expressions have the form map(f, v, v, ...) where map is a keyword, f is a circuit or witness taking at least one argument, and the vs are expressions. A circuit or witness taking n arguments can be mapped over n vectors by providing n vector subexpressions to the map.

Fold expressions have the form fold(f, e, v, v, ...) where fold is a keyword, f is a circuit or witness, and e and the vs are expressions. A circuit or witness taking n+1 arguments can be folded over an initial value e and n vectors by providing n vector subexpressions to the fold.

expr    map  (  fun  ,  expr  {,  expr}  )
|  fold  (  fun  ,  expr  ,  expr  {,  expr}  )

The syntax of the circuit or witness is given by the grammar production for fun in the section Circuit and witness calls above.

A map expression is type checked by checking the type of the witness or circuit f to find its parameter types and its return type R. f must have at least one parameter. The map expression must have the same number of vector subexpressions as the number of parameters of f. Each of the vector subexpressions must have a vector type and all these vector types must have the same length n. If the type of the ith parameter to f is T, then the type of the ith vector subexpression must be Vector<n, S> where S is a subtype of T. The type of entire expression is Vector<n, R>.

A fold expression is type checked by checking the type of the witness or circuit f to find its parameter types and its return type R. f must have at least two parameters, and the type of the first parameter must be the same type as the return type R. The fold expression must have one fewer vector subexpression than the number of parameters of f. The subexpression e gives the initial value for the fold. It must have a type which is a subtype R. Each of the vector subexpressions must have a vector type and all these vector types must have the same length n. If the type of the i+1th parameter of f is T then the type of the ith vector subexpression must be Vector<n, S> where S is a subtype of T. The type of the entire expression is R.

Map expressions are evaluated by evaluating the vector subexpressions from left to right. These values are the input vector values. The witness or circuit f is then applied in turn, from index 0 up to index n-1, to arguments taken from the input vector values. The result is a vector of length n where each ith element is the result of applying f to the ith elements of the corresponding input vector values.

Fold expressions are evaluated by evaluating the initial value expression e and then evaluating the vector subexpressions from left to right. The values of the vector expressions are the input vector values. The witness or circuit f is then applied in turn, from index 0 up to index n-1, to an accumulator value argument and arguments taken from the input vector values. The 0th (initial) accumulator value is the value of the expression e, and each subsequent i+1th accumulator value is the result of applying f to the ith accumulator value and to the ith elements of the corresponding input vector values. The result is the nth (final) accumulator value where n is the length of the input vectors.

Ledger assignment expressions

Compact has ledger assignment statements. They have the form lhs op e where lhs is a ledger expression as defined in the section Ledger expressions above, op is one of the assignment operators = (assignment), += (addition assigment), or -= (subtraction assignment), and e is an expression.

expr    ledger  .  id  ledger-accessor  =  expr
   ledger  .  id  ledger-accessor  +=  expr
   ledger  .  id  ledger-accessor  -=  expr

lhs = e is shorthand for lhs.write(e). lhs += e is shorthand for lhs.increment(e). lhs -= e is shorthand for lhs.decrement(e).

Ledger assignment statements are type checked exactly as if they were their longer equivalent invoking a ledger ADT operation.

They are evaluated exactly as if their longer equivalent were evaluated as a ledger expression.

Declaring witnesses for private state

Compact code can call code external to the zero-knowledge circuits to read and update private state via witness functions.

A witness function declaration can appear anywhere a circuit definition can appear, including within modules. A witness function does not have a body, and its implementation is instead an input to the contract in the TypeScript target. For instance:

witness something(x: Boolean): Field;

A witness function can be called in the same way as a circuit.


Do not assume in your contract that the code of any witness function is the code that you wrote in your own implementation. Any DApp may provide any implmentation that it wants for your witness functions. Results from them should be treated as untrusted input.

Declaring and maintaining public state

Compact code can declare public state through ledger declarations.

A ledger declaration defines one piece of information the contract stores in Midnight's public ledger. Multiple ledger declarations can appear in a program, or none. They can appear anywhere circuit definitions can appear, including within modules.

A ledger declaration associates a ledger field name with one of a set of predefined ledger ADT types For instance:

ledger val: Cell<Field>;
export ledger cnt: Counter;
sealed ledger u8list: List<Uint<8>>;
export sealed ledger mapping: Map<Boolean, Field>;

Ledger state types

In a ledger declaration, the following types are valid:

  • Counter
  • Cell<T>, for any Compact type T
  • Set<T>, for any Compact type T
  • Map<K, T>, for any Compact types K and T
  • Map<K, V>, for any Compact type K and ledger state type V (see the following section)
  • List<T>, for any Compact type T
  • MerkleTree<n, T>, for a compile time integer 1 < n <= 32, and any Compact type T
  • HistoricMerkleTree<n, T>, for a compile time integer 1 < n <= 32, and any Compact type T

Each ledger type supports a set of operations, which can be invoked with

<field name>.<operation>(<arguments ...>)

The read and write operations of the Cell type have syntactic sugar. If x is a Cell field in the ledger, then you may write

x       // expression equivalent to
x = val // statement equivalent to x.write(val)

The read, increment, and decrement operations of type Counter type also have syntactic sugar. If c is a Counter field in the ledger, then you may write

c        // expression equivalent to
c += val // statement equivalent to c.increment(val)
c -= val // statement equivalent to c.decrement(val)

A comprehensive list of operations can be found in the Compact ledger data type documentation.

Nested state types in the Map type

The only ledger state type in which values of other state types may be held is Map. The key values in a Map must be non-state types (simple Compact types), but the mapped values may be counters, sets, lists, other maps, and so on.

Here is a small example:

import CompactStandardLibrary;

ledger fld: Map<Boolean, Map<Field, Counter>>;

export circuit init_nested_map(b: Boolean): Void {
fld.insert(b, default<Map<Field, Counter>>);

export circuit init_nested_counter(b: Boolean, n: Field): Void {
fld.lookup(b).insert(n, default<Counter>);

export circuit increment_nested_counter(b: Boolean, n: Field, k: Uint<16>): Void {

export circuit read_nested_counter1(b: Boolean, n: Field): Uint<64> {
return fld.lookup(b).lookup(n).read();

export circuit read_nested_counter2(b: Boolean, n: Field): Uint<64> {
return fld.lookup(b).lookup(n);

In this example,

  • fld is bound to a Map from Boolean values to Maps from Field values to Counters
  • init_nested_map can be used to create the inner Map for a particular outer-Map key
  • init_nested_counter can be used to create a Counter for a given outer-Map key and a given inner-Map key
  • increment_nested_counter can be used to increment an existing Counter for a given outer-Map key and a given inner-Map key
  • either read_nested_counter1 or read_nested_counter2 can be used to read the value of an existing Counter for a given outer-Map key and a given inner-Map key.


  1. Nesting is permitted only within Map values. That is, nesting is not permitted in Map keys or within any ledger state type other than Map.
  2. Nested values must be initialized before first use. The syntax default<T> is used to create default ledger state type values, just as it can be used to create default Compact type values.
  3. Ledger state type values are not first-class objects, so when accessing a nested value, the entire indirection chain must be used. For example, the following will result in a compiler error:
    export circuit increment_nested_counter(b: Boolean, n: Field, k: Uint<16>): Void { 
    fld.lookup(b); // ERROR: incomplete chain of indirects
  4. When the last lookup is a read of a base type one can omit the explicit read() indirect, as illustrated by the definitions of read_nested_counter1 and read_nested_counter2 above, which have the same behavior.
  5. For convenience, local variables can hold default ledger state type values, so the following definition of init_nested_map is equivalent to the one above.
    export circuit init_nested_map(b: Boolean): Void { 
    const t = default<Map<Field, Counter>>;
    fld.insert(b, t);

Sealed and unsealed ledger fields

Any ledger field can be optionally marked sealed by prefixing the ledger field declaration with the keyword sealed. A sealed field cannot be set except during contract initialization. That is, its value can be modified only by the contract constructor (if any), either directly within the body of the constructor or via helper circuits called by the constructor. The sealed keyword must come after the export keyword (if present) and before the ledger keyword, as in the following example:

sealed ledger field1: Cell<Uint<32>>;
export sealed ledger field2: Cell<Uint<32>>;

circuit init(x: Uint<32>): Void {
field2 = x;

constructor(x: Uint<16>) {
field1 = 2 * x;

It is a static error if a sealed ledger field can be set by any code that is reachable from an exported circuit.

Contract constructor

A contract can be initialized via a contract constructor defined at the program's top level. The constructor, if any, is typically used to initialize public state and can also be used to initialize private state through witness calls. A constructor can take zero or more arguments. For example:

enum STATE { unset, set }
ledger state: Cell<STATE>;
ledger value: Cell<Field>;

constructor(v: Field) {
value = v;
state = STATE.set;

At most one contract constructor can be defined for a contract, and it must appear only at the program top level, i.e., it cannot be defined in a module. To initialize ledger fields that are visible only within a module, the constructor can call a circuit that is exported from the module. For example:

module PublicState {
enum STATE { unset, set }
ledger state: Cell<STATE>;
ledger value: Cell<Field>;
export circuit init(v: Field): Void {
value = v;
state = STATE.set;

import PublicState;

constructor(v: Field) {

Representations in TypeScript

Compact's primitive types are represented in TypeScript as follows:

  • Boolean - boolean
  • Void - void
  • Field - bigint
  • Uint<n> / Uint<0..n> - bigint
  • Bytes<n> - Uint8Array
  • Vector<n, T> - T[] where T is the TypeScript representation of the Compact type
  • Opaque<"string"] - string
  • Opaque<"Uint8Array"> - Uint8Array

User-defined types are represented in TypeScript as follows:

  • enum with elements a, b, ... - an enum with elements a, b, ... and default numbering of the elements (0, 1, ...)
  • struct with fields a: A, b: B, ... - an object { a: A, b: B, ... } where A, B, ... are the TypeScript representations of the Compact types.

Note that other Opaque types are currently not supported.

Runtime representations and type/bounds checks

Compact represents values exactly as TypeScript represents values, i.e., as ordinary JavaScript values. So a Compact boolean is represented at run time as a JavaScript boolean, a Compact Vector is represented as a JavaScript array, and enum values are represented by numbers.

To maintain type safety, Compact verifies at run time that values passed by an outside caller to an exported circuit or returned from an outside witness have the expected types. This is necessary even when the caller or witness is written in properly typed TypeScript because some Compact types have size and range limits that are not expressible via the TypeScript type system:

  • Field values are limited by a maximum field value
  • Uint values are limited by the declared bounds
  • Bytes and Vector values are limited by the declared sizes
  • enum values are limited by the maximum index for the enum elements

It is also necessary because compile-time type checks are easily defeated in TypeScript and are nonexistent when a caller or witness is coded in JavaScript.

Certain values to be stored in public state require size, length, and other properties to be maintained explicitly, because these properties cannot be determined solely from the JavaScript representation of the value. For this purpose, the @midnight/compact-runtime package provides explicit runtime types satisfying the CompactType<T> interface, where T is the corresponding TypeScript type. This representation is not user-facing most of the time, except when replicating the behavior of the operations implemented in @midnight/compact-runtime.

The following constructors can be used to create a CompactType instance for a primitive type:

  • Boolean - new CompactTypeBoolean()
  • Void - not implemented
  • Field - new CompactTypeField()
  • Uint<0..n> - new CompactTypeUnsignedInteger(n, length), where length is the number of bytes required to store n
  • Uint<n> - as Uint<0..(2 ** n) - 1>
  • Bytes<n> - new CompactTypeBytes(n)
  • Vector<n, T> - new CompactTypeVector(n, rt_T), where rt_T is the runtime type of T
  • Opaque<"String"> - new CompactTypeString()
  • Opaque<"Uint8Array"> - new CompactTypeUint8Array().

For user-defined types, structures are not currently easily constructed at runtime and require implementing CompactType<T> manually or using compiler internals. Enumerations are exposed through new CompactTypeEnum(maxValue, length), where maxValue is the maximum permissible integer assignable, and length its representation length in bytes (almost always 1).

TypeScript target

When compiled, a contract generates several artifacts. Key to these are the exported circuits from the contract's top level. These are divided into two categories: pure circuits and impure circuits.

In the contract directory, the semantics of the contract is encoded in TypeScript, in the form of a index.cjs JavaScript implementation file and a index.d.cts type declaration file. For most uses, it is recommended to rely on the information and interface provided in index.d.cts.

For each of the impure circuits, a zero-knowledge prover/verifier key pair is also generated, as well as IR instructions for proof generation. These can be found in the output directory's keys and zkir subdirectories respectively.

Structure of the exported TypeScript

The exported TypeScript exposes a number of declarations that can be used to interact with the contract from any TypeScript application. Some of these also require use of the @midnight/compact-runtime library, which all contracts depend upon and which implements key built-in behaviors.

A contract exports the following in the TypeScript module:

  • The TypeScript type corresponding to each user-defined type exported from the contract's top level
  • A Witnesses<T> type, which describes the format external witnesses must satisfy to instantiate the contract
  • A ImpureCircuits<T> type, which describes the set of impure circuits exported from the contract's top level
  • A PureCircuits type, which describes the set of pure circuits exported from the contract's top level
  • A Circuits<T> type, which describes the set of all exported circuits
  • A Contract<T, W extends Witnesses<T> = Witnesses<T>> class, which:
    • can be constructed by passing in an instance of W
    • exposes members circuits: Circuits<T> and impureCircuits: ImpureCircuits<T>
    • provides initial contract states via initialState(privateState: T): [T, runtime.ContractState]
  • A constant pureCircuits: PureCircuits object, providing all pure circuits as pure functions
  • A Ledger type, providing views into a current ledger state, by permitting direct calls of all read functions of ledger objects, as well of some TypeScript specific ones that cannot be called from Compact, such as iterators
  • A ledger(state: runtime.StateValue): Ledger constructor of the Ledger type, giving access to the values of exported ledger fields.

The argument T for a number of these should be interpreted as the type of the local/private state. For the most part, circuit and witness functions are translated simply by translating their Compact types into corresponding TypeScript types for parameters and return values. For PureCircuits, this is all that happens, for the other _Circuits instances, they receive an additional first parameter of type runtime.CircuitContext<T>, and their result type R is wrapped in runtime.CircuitResults<T, R>. For Witnesses, they receive an additional first parameter of type runtime.WitnessContext<Ledger, T>, and their result type R is wrapped in [T, R]. See the runtime API docs for the details of these types. This wrapping makes the entirety of the contract code functional, ensuring calls have no hidden side effects.