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@midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts v0.2.5 • API

Midnight.js API Reference v0.2.5 / @midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts / DeployContractOptions

Type alias: DeployContractOptions<PSS, PSK, C>

DeployContractOptions<PSS, PSK, C>: DeployTxOptionsBaseWithArguments<PSS[PSK], C> & Object

Configuration for deployContract.

Type declaration


readonly privateStateKey: PSK

An identifier for the private state of the contract being deployed.


optional readonly signingKey: SigningKey

The signing key to add as the to-be-deployed contract's maintenance authority. If undefined, a new signing key is sampled and used as the CMA then stored in the private state provider under the newly deployed contract's address. Otherwise, the passed signing key is added as the CMA. The second case is useful when you want to use the same CMA for two different contracts.

Type parameters

PSS extends PrivateStateSchema

PSK extends PrivateStateKey<PSS>

C extends Contract<PSS[PSK]>