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@midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts v0.2.5 • API

Midnight.js API Reference v0.2.5 / @midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts / FoundContract

Type alias: FoundContract<PS, C>

FoundContract<PS, C>: Object

Base type for a deployed contract that has been found on the blockchain.

Type parameters


C extends Contract<PS>

Type declaration


readonly callTx: CircuitCallTxInterface<PS, C>

Interface for creating call transactions for a contract.


readonly circuitMaintenanceTx: CircuitMaintenanceTxInterfaces<C>

An interface for creating maintenance transactions for circuits defined in the contract that was deployed.


readonly contractMaintenanceTx: ContractMaintenanceTxInterface

Interface for creating maintenance transactions for the contract that was deployed.


readonly deployTxData: FinalizedDeployTxDataBase<PS>

Data for the finalized deploy transaction corresponding to this contract.