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@midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts v0.2.5 • API

Midnight.js API Reference v0.2.5 / @midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts / SubmitTxOptions

Type alias: SubmitTxOptions<ICK>

SubmitTxOptions<ICK>: Object

Configuration for submitTx.

Type parameters

ICK extends ImpureCircuitId

Type declaration


optional readonly circuitId: ICK

A circuit identifier to use to fetch the ZK artifacts needed to prove the transaction. Only defined if a call transaction is being submitted.


optional readonly newCoins: CoinInfo[]

Any new coins created during the construction of the transaction. Only defined if the transaction being submitted is a call or deploy transaction.


readonly unprovenTx: UnprovenTransaction

The transaction to prove, balance, and submit.