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@midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts v0.2.5 • API

Midnight.js API Reference v0.2.5 / @midnight-ntwrk/midnight-js-contracts / UnsubmittedDeployTxData

Type alias: UnsubmittedDeployTxData<PS>

UnsubmittedDeployTxData<PS>: UnsubmittedDeployTxDataBase<PS> & Object

Data for an unsubmitted deployment transaction.

Type declaration


readonly private: UnsubmittedTxData & Object

The data of this transaction that is only visible on the user device.

Type declaration


readonly initialZswapState: ZswapLocalState

The Zswap state produced as a result of running the contract constructor. Useful for when inputs or outputs are created in the contract constructor.

Type parameters