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Bulletin board DApp

What remains to be done, in order to have a working bulletin board DApp, is to complete the TypeScript code. For the sake of simplicity, the initial version of the DApp will have text-based menu prompts (making it look like something out of the early 1980s). The creation of a web GUI is left for a later part of the developer tutorial.

To get you started, most of the code is already written for you, including the interactive menu prompts. However, most of the parts that manipulate the contract and the private state are missing. Filling in those missing parts is your work for this part of the tutorial.

At this point, you should already have the contract in its contract/src subdirectory. Following the instructions on the preceding pages, you have compiled the contract, producing the contract's TypeScript API and other material in the managed subdirectory.

Most of the TypeScript code you need is already written for you, in the contract/src, api/src, and bboard-cli/src directories. As with the counter application, bboard-cli/src/index.ts contains the main run loop of the application while api/src/index.ts contains convenient abstractions for implementing the application. But, two files in the project are incomplete:

  • contract/src/witnesses.ts
  • api/src/index.ts

Open these in your favorite TypeScript editor and get ready to fill in the missing pieces. (The discussion below sometimes refers to code in the file without displaying it on this page, so you must follow along in the code in your own editor to understand what's being said.)

Exercise 1: define the private state

Down at line 18 of witnesses.ts, you will find a comment identifying the place where you need to fill in some code for exercise 1. Look at its context in your editor.

The public state of the contract is stored in the blockchain and can be seen by anyone, but the private state is entirely local to the DApp and may be completely different for each user. A contract only declares the types of the functions for accessing and changing the private state; the contract does not define the functions, nor does it say anything about the type or structure of the private state itself. Thus, some parts of the generated contract API are parameterized by the type of the private state.

A good practice is to define an interface or type alias for the private state.

Now ask yourself: what should be held in the user's private state for the bulletin board? Hint: In this example, the private state does not evolve. It is simply a value that can be fetched through the local_secret_key() witness that the contract declared.

If you answered, 'the secret key,' you were right. The bulletin board contract declared the type of the secret key data to be a byte array, which corresponds to the TypeScript type Uint8Array, so fill in the missing code, defining the BBoardPrivateState type to have a secretKey property of type Uint8Array, like this:

export type BBoardPrivateState = {
readonly secretKey: Uint8Array;

The next code in witnesses.ts defines a helpful function to create objects of type BBoardPrivateState, given a secret key. Fill in that code, too, so that it matches the type you just defined. When you are done, it should look like this:

export const createBBoardPrivateState = (secretKey: Uint8Array) => ({

Exercise 2: initialize the private oracle

In the research literature about zero-knowledge proofs, the part of the system that is consulted to access private state is called an oracle, so you will sometimes find that term appearing in the Midnight API and documentation. The next exercise is to create an object to represent the bulletin board DApp's private oracle: its set of witness functions.

Below the code you edited in exercise 1, you will find the definition of the witnesses object. The object must have a property (or method) for each of the contract's declared witness functions. Recall that bboard.compact declared only one witness function: local_secret_key. The type and outer structure of the function is already written for you. Exercise 2 is to fill in the missing return values.

Look carefully at the function's type:

  • It takes a single argument, which is a WitnessContext. If the contract had declared additional parameters for the witness function, they would appear here as additional parameters, after the WitnessContext.
  • It returns two values: a new overall state for the private oracle and a value corresponding to the declared return type of the witness function in the Compact code.

The WitnessContext type is parameterized by the ledger type L and private state type PS, so that it has three fields:

  • ledger: T
  • privateState: PS
  • contractAddress: string

You can see that the WitnessContext type in this file is instantiated with the Ledger type imported from the API that the Compact compiler generated for the bulletin board contract, plus the private state type BBoardPrivateState that you defined in exercise 1. This means that the privateState field in the WitnessContext will be of type BBoardPrivateState. This is the only field needed from the WitnessContext, so the definition uses TypeScript's parameter destructuring notation to name only the privateState from the context and ignore the ledger and contractAddress.

Now fill in the two values that local_secret_key should return. First, what is the new private state? Hint: local_secret_key does not change the private state.

The correct answer is that the new private state is the same as the old private state: simply the value privateState.

Now what about the 'interesting' return value, the one declared in the contract? The purpose of this function is to get the user's secret key, so that the contract can use it to generate and verify a public hash. For the second return value, extract the secret key from the private state. (You defined the contents of the private state in exercise 1.)

Putting these together, your solution should look like this:

export const witnesses = {
local_secret_key: ({ privateState }: WitnessContext<Ledger, BBoardPrivateState>): [BBoardPrivateState, Uint8Array] => [

The bulletin board never needs to change the private state, but more complex contracts will need to update the private state. The way to do that is not to mutate the state in place, but to return a new state value from a witness function.


Do not use a global variable to hold or access the private state; always use the value passed to the witness function.

The file witnesses.ts is complete. Look now at the file containing the main logic of the bulletin board DApp: api/src/index.ts.

In the remaining exercises, you will call the post and take_down circuits you defined in the bulletin board contract and then write the code to deploy the contract to the Midnight network.

Exercise 3: invoke the post circuit

Find the comment that identifies the missing code for exercise 3, at about line 122. It's in a post function. You can see that the declaration of the return values is already in place. The task for exercise 3 is write the code that creates and submits a post transaction on the contract.

There is only a small amount of code to write, but it requires a few steps to explain it. First, notice that post function is actually a method in the BBoardAPI class. The class's constructor takes a DeployedBBoardContract as its first argument, implicitly making the value available as a deployedContract field in the object. The type DeployedBBoardContract is defined in the adjacent file common-types.ts as an alias of FoundContract.

FoundContract is the base abstraction Midnight.js provides for creating and submitting transactions for smart contracts that have already been deployed to the blockchain. It is called FoundContract because it works with contracts that have been "found" on-chain. In other words, FoundContract is indifferent to who deployed the contract for which it submits transactions.

There is a subtype of FoundContract called DeployedContract which offers the same transaction builders but works with contracts that were deployed specifically by your application. Consequentially, DeployedContract contains private information related to the contract deployment that FoundContract does not contain. Since this application doesn't make use of said private deployment information, DeployedBBoardContract is defined in terms of the more general FoundContract type.

A FoundContract has a callTx property of type CircuitCallTxInterface. Through a bit of TypeScript magic, the CircuitCallTxInterface type contains, for each circuit defined in your contract, a function that will create and submit a call transaction for that circuit. Putting all that together, the code to post a new message to the bulletin board looks like this:

const txData = await

What if the user tries to post a message to a non-empty bulletin board? The transaction will fail, and the code will throw an exception. The current bulletin board DApp lets the exception propagate out to the main run function in bboard-cli/src/index.ts, so that the DApp exits. Once you have completed the DApp and tested it successfully, you could come back here and add an appropriate try / catch around the call to report the transaction failure in a more helpful way.

Exercise 4: invoke the take-down circuit

In the takeDown function, just after the post function, you'll find the comment identifying the destination for exercise 4's code. (After you have completed exercise 3, the marker for exercise 4 should be near line 148.)

You might not have figured out the answer to exercise 3 on your own, but after completing it, you can probably do exercise 4 without much help. Try writing the code yourself before looking at the answer below. (The take_down circuit is defined to return the old message, but this program doesn't need it, so you can ignore it and simply report that the transaction was submitted.)

Here is a solution:

const txData = await this.deployedContract.callTx.take_down();

Exercise 5: deploy a new bulletin board contract

You have seen that the code to invoke one of your contract's circuits and submit a corresponding transaction to the Midnight network is quite simple. The code to deploy a new contract is a little more complicated, but still short.

Find the comment that identifies the missing code for exercise 5, at about line 172 after completing the preceding exercises. It's in a deploy function. You can see that the call to deployContract is started for you. The task for exercise 5 is to fill in the arguments correctly.

The deployContract function requires two arguments. They are:

  1. A MidnightProviders object containing implementations of all the necessary providers (refer back to the discussion of providers in part 2 of the tutorial if necessary)
  2. A DeployContractOptions object containing configuration parameters for the deployment.

For the bulletin board contract, DeployContractOptions requires only three properties:

  1. privateStateKey - The name of the key at which the private state is stored in the PrivateStateProvider given in the first providers argument.
  2. contract - The Contract object containing the executable JavaScript of the contract being deployed.
  3. initialPrivateState - The initial private state for the contract, whose type matches the state stored under the privateStateKey.

You can fill in the first argument to deployContract easily because the deploy function already has a providers parameter.


The second argument to deployContract is the configuration object.

contract: bboardContractInstance,
privateStateKey: 'bboardPrivateState',
initialPrivateState: createBBoardPrivateState(utils.randomBytes(32))

To understand the deployment configuration, let's look at its entries one by one. The first entry,

contract: bboardContractInstance,

is defined in terms of a constant bboardContractInstance,

const bboardContractInstance: BBoardContract = new Contract(witnesses);

which is just an instance of Contract (which is generated by compactc) constructed with the witnesses you defined at the beginning of the tutorial.

The second entry

privateStateKey: 'bboardPrivateState',

indicates that the FoundContract returned from deployContract should store its private state at key bboardPrivateState in the private state provider given in the providers argument. Furthermore, because providers.privateStateProvider is of type PrivateStateProvider<PrivateStates>, the private state of the contract must be an object of type BBoardPrivateState.

The third entry

initialPrivateState: createBBoardPrivateState(utils.randomBytes(32)),

is defined using the function createBBoardPrivateState you wrote in the second half of exercise 1 to construct the private state for the bulletin board contract. The initial secret key is created from the randomBytes function provided for you in api/src/utils/index.ts. It is called with the number of bytes you need: 32.

Putting all that together, the call to deployContract should look like this when you are done:

  const deployedBBoardContract = await deployContract(providers, {
contract: bboardContractInstance,
privateStateKey: "bboardPrivateState",
initialPrivateState: createBBoardPrivateState(utils.randomBytes(32))

That's remarkably little code to deploy an entirely new contract to the Midnight blockchain.

The code for joining an existing contract is similar to the code for deploying a new one. You might want to look now at the code in the join function (just below the definition of deploy) and compare it to the code in deploy.

You can explore the documentation for Midnight library functions, such as deployContract and findDeployedContract, in the Midnight.js reference documentation. For your convenience, here are links to the documentation for those two functions:

Compiling and running the DApp

If you have completed all the exercises, then your bulletin board DApp is ready to be compiled. Go back to the bboard-tutorial directory (the one containing contract, api, and bboard-cli) and run:

npx turbo build

If the project does not build successfully, you must have made a mistake along the way. Go back and check your work, or ask for help.

Also, adjacent to the bboard-tutorial directory in the examples package, there is a bboard directory with working answers for every exercise. If you think there is a mistake in this documentation, check the contents of bboard, because that code is tested regularly to be sure it works with the current Midnight TestNet.

Once the project is built, go on to the next page to learn how to test your code without touching the live Midnight network.