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Step 2. Setup partner-chain dependencies

Now that a Cardano SPO is set up, it is time to configure partner-chain dependencies such as Ogmios, Kupo, Cardano-db-sync, Postgres, and Cardano-node. To simplify the process, a compose-partner-chains.yml file is provided to easily start these services using Docker Compose. Alternatively, one may choose to build these dependencies from source.

Minimum system requirements

See Partner-chain dependencies server requirements.

Important notice for Ubuntu users:

Ubuntu sometimes ignores Docker's UFW rules, which can compromise your server's security. To address this:

  • Enable Docker to Work with UFW: Run sudo apt-get install docker-compose ufw followed by sudo ufw allow 22/tcp for SSH access, and sudo ufw allow 80/tcp if you're exposing web services.
  • Configure Docker to Use UFW: Add these lines to /etc/docker/daemon.json:
"iptables": false
  • Then, restart Docker with sudo systemctl restart docker.
  • Verify: After setup, ensure your firewall rules are in place by running sudo ufw status.

2a. docker-compose up Partner-chain dependencies

  1. Clone the midnight-node-docker repo and navigate to compose-partner-chains.yml file:

    git clone
    cd midnight-node-docker
  2. Edit compose-partner-chains.yml file:

    • Edit the compose-partner-chains.yml file using VSCode or a shell editor such as vim.

    For example, with vim:

    vim compose-partner-chains.yml
    • Enter I key to enter insert mode.
    • Navidate using arrow keys and locate POSTGRES_* environment variables.
    - POSTGRES_HOST=postgres
    - POSTGRES_PORT=5432
    - POSTGRES_DB=cexplorer
    - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password123

Security Warning: The default POSTGRES_USER (postgres), POSTGRES_PASSWORD (password123), and POSTGRES_PORT (5432) shown above are insecure and predictable. These must be changed to protect your database from unauthorized access and potential attacks.

  • If using vim editor, make changes, then ESC + :wq to save changes to file.
  1. docker-compose up partner-chain dependencies:

    • Within the same directory as the compose-partner-chains.yml, launch partner-chain dependencies in detatched mode.
    docker compose -f compose-partner-chains.yml up -d

    Example output:

    [+] Running 5/5
    ✔ Container postgres H... 5.7s
    ✔ Container cardano-node Started 0.1s
    ✔ Container ogmios Sta... 0.2s
    ✔ Container kupo Start... 0.2s
    ✔ Container db-sync St... 5.8s

    ⌛ Allow partner-chain dependencies to sync 100% with the Cardano network. This can take a few hours.

2b. Manage and monitor partner-chain dependencies

  1. Verify status of services and ports:

    • List active Docker containers along with their status, ports, and container IDs:
    docker container list

    Example output:

    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                           COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                                       NAMES
    aeddf39b71f7 "/nix/store/mvypj83y…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes db-sync
    61a6eb0ed321 cardanosolutions/ogmios:v6.5.0 "/bin/ogmios --node-…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes (healthy)>1337/tcp, :::1337->1337/tcp ogmios
    b514a818da45 postgres:15.3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp db-sync-postgres
    558d2b49eddc "entrypoint" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>3001/tcp, :::3001->3001/tcp cardano-node
  2. View logs of specific containers:

    To view logs of a particular container, use docker logs followed by the container name or ID:

    docker logs db-sync
    docker logs kupo
    docker logs ogmios
    docker logs db-sync-postgres
    docker logs cardano-node

    Replace db-sync, ogmios, etc., with the actual container names or container IDs you want to inspect.

  3. Useful docker-compose commands:

    To learn more about Docker Compose, visit the official Docker Compose documentation. However, here are some common commands:

    docker-compose stop # stop containers
    docker-compose start # start containers
    docker-compose restart # restart containers
    docker-compose down # stop and remove containers
    docker-compose stats # display resource usage statistics
  4. Monitor Ogmios service:

    • View Ogmios dashboard at http://localhost:1337/. If Ogmios is running on a remote service then simply visit http://x.x.x.x:1337 in a browser with the respective IP address and PORT.
    • Query Ogmios healthcheck:
    curl -s localhost:1337/health | jq '.'
  5. Monitor Kupo service:

    • Query Kupo healthcheck:
    curl -X GET http://localhost:1442/health
  6. Query Cardano-db-sync synchronization progress:

    • Using psql directly:

      If you don’t already have the PostgreSQL client installed, you can install it using:

      sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

      Log in to PostgreSQL shell using psql:

       psql -h localhost -U postgres -d cexplorer -p 5432

      Optionally, log in to PostgreSQL shell using docker:

      docker exec -it db-sync-postgres psql -U postgres -d cexplorer

      Then, run the following query inside the PostgreSQL shell:

      SELECT 100 * (
      ) / (
      ) AS sync_percent
      FROM block;
    • Using ssh remotely:

      If you want to query remotely, run this command via SSH:

      ssh user@x.x.x.x -C "psql -d cexplorer -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -c \"SELECT 100 * (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MAX(time) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MIN(time) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'))) / (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) - EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (MIN(time) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'))) AS sync_percent FROM block;\""

      Replace user@x.x.x.x with your SSH username and server IP address.