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Step 4. Run a Midnight node in Validator Mode


The Midnight-node relies on a persistant connection to the Postgres PORT. This allows Midnight-node to follow the Cardano chain.

πŸ—Ή Postres PORT should be accessible to the Midnight-node and Cardano-db-sync should be fully synced (Step 2).

πŸ—Ή Midnight node is available as a Docker image at this time. Therefore, Docker/ Docker Compose is required.

πŸ—Ή ./data/chains/testnet is available to the Midnight-node (via a docker volume).

If ./data/chains/testnet is still on the partner-chains deps server, then simply copy it over to the Midnight-node instance.

Optional: Copying files between instances using Magic Womrhole


sudo apt install magic-wormhole # install magic wormhole on each instance.

wormhole send ./data/chains/testnet # returns a recieve command to copy and paste on the other instance

# on the intended midnight-node copy the recieve command

wormhole recieve <secret words>

# verify the directory and contents were copied over
sudo apt install tree
tree testnet/

4a. docker-compose up Midnight node in validator mode​

  1. Clone midnight-node-docker Repo:
git clone # clone the repo
cd midnight-node-docker # enter the project
ls . # list contents
  1. Configure Postgres connection:

The Midnight-node needs a persistant connection to Postgres to follow the Cardano chain. If this connection is not established, then the node will fail.

  • Open the .env file in a shell editor or VSCode.

  • Update the POSTGRES environment variables to your unique values:

POSTGRES_HOST="x.x.x.x" # Replace x.x.x.x with IP or host to postgres connection
  1. Configure node's docker volume:
  • Edit the compose.yml file and configure the midnight-node's docker volume with the absolute path to your testnet directory which contains your network key.

For example,

β”œβ”€β”€ chain
β”‚ └── chains
β”‚ └── testnet-02
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ keystore
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ network
β”‚ └── paritydb
β”‚ └── full
└── partner_chains_template
β”œβ”€β”€ keystore
└── network
  • Edit the compose.yml file with the absolute path to testnet directory.
- /PATH_TO/testnet:/node
  1. docker-compose up midnight-node:
  • Within the same directory as compose.yml, simply invoke docker compose up to start the node.

    docker-compose up
    # docker-compose up -d to run in detatched mode

The node should begin to sync with the testnet.

βš™οΈ Syncing  2.6 bps, target=#474962 (8 peers), best: #3967 (0xf620…d752), finalized #3584 (0x56d5…f7bd), ⬇ 0.8kiB/s ⬆ 0.2kiB/s    

In the above log example; the node is syncing and peering with the network (8). The currenct synced block is 3967, but the sync target is 474962.

When the node is fully synced, then you should be participating in block production. For example:

✨ Imported #12345 (0xabc1…def2)
πŸ’€ Idle (5 peers), best: #12345 (0xabc1…def2), finalized #12343 (0x789a…bcd3)
πŸ† Prepared block for proposing at #12346 (block time = 6s)
πŸ”– Pre-sealed block for proposal at #12346. Hash: 0xdef3…ghi4
✨ Successfully proposed block #12346 (0xdef3…ghi4)
✨ Imported #12346 (0xdef3…ghi4)
πŸ’€ Idle (5 peers), best: #12346 (0xdef3…ghi4), finalized #12344 (0x456b…def7)
  • "Prepared block for proposing": This line indicates that your node has prepared a block to propose at a specific block height (e.g., #12346). This is a strong sign that your node is actively participating in block production.
  • "Pre-sealed block for proposal": This shows the block is ready to be proposed to the network, including its hash.
  • "Successfully proposed block": This confirms that your node successfully proposed the block to the network.
  • "Imported": This means the block your node produced (or another block at that height) has been imported into the chain. If the hash matches your proposed block, it’s a clear sign your node’s block was accepted.
  • Block Number Incrementing: If the best block number keeps increasing and aligns with your proposed blocks, your node is contributing to the chain’s progress.